1. Instructions to Upload Documents

Registrations are closed

  1. Your eligibility to the online counseling is based on the documents you have uploaded.
  2. Take utmost care while uploading the documents
  3. Make sure every document image you uploaded is clear and visible.
  4. Preview the document image before you upload into the website.
  5. Document image size must be less than 500 KB and greater than 100KB.
  6. Document image resolution must be within 1500 pixels width and 1500 pixel height.
  7. Remove any unwanted space or things around the document in the image

2. Important Certificates to Upload

  1. NATA 2024 Score Card
  2. SSC or its equivalent marks memo
  3. XIIth /Inter/Diploma Memo-cum pass certificate or its equivalent
  4. Transfer Certificate (T.C.) (Mandatory).
  5. Migration Certificate if required.
  6. Study certificates from VIth to XIIth / Inter / Diploma or equivalent
  7. Residence certificate for preceding 7 years of the qualifying examination in respect of candidates who have private study without any institutionalized education.
  8. If Non-Local candidates are to be considered for unreserved seats, following certificates are to be submitted.

    Residence Certificate: Candidate who has resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of study outside the State; or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of employment outside the State.


    Employer Certificate: Candidate who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government, Public Sector Corporations, Local bodies, Universities and other similar Quasi Public Institutions within the State at the time of applying for TS BARCH- 2024.

  9. Community certificate (Caste Certificate) issued by the competent authority in case of BC/SC/ST candidates after 02.06.2014, if applicable
  10. Candidates claiming Muslim and Christian Minority should upload the “TC” of the SSC containing Minority status (or) Certificate issued by the Head of the Institution in which the student studied/appeared for SSC or its equivalent examination.
  11. Special category certificates NCC / CAP / PH / SPORTS
  12. Parental Income Certificate(If applicable) issued by M.R.O., Telangana Govt. after 01.01.2024.
  13. EWS Certificate for the financial year 2023-2024 (If applicable) issued by M.R.O.
  14. Aadhaar Card.
  15. Candidates who studied Intermediate or Equivalent/Diploma in Engineering in other States in India or from other Countries should upload Equivalency Certificate issued by the Board of Intermediate Education / State Board of Technical Education , Telangana State as the case may be.